Between fits of packing and moving, there have been sleep-overs, and suppers, gatherings, and travel.
Thursday evening we had supper with dear friends from our former small group. How we have lived through ups and downs with these souls! We have watched them face life challenges that caused us to tremble and yet instead of crumbling, we witnessed their faith grow and blossom, and see how God uses unconventional ways like "beer and bible study" to draw hearts to him. They have truly understood when we've walked through dark days and stood at the ready to encourage and understand. Thank you Lord for "chance meetings" and kindred spirits!
We said our official good-byes at Willmar Christian Reformed Church this past Sunday. They sent us off with prayers, blessings, hugs, hand-shakes, and cash. How blessed we've been to have TWO church families! This family has welcomed us warmly, never letting us out the door without someone catching us, looking into our eyes and daring us not to feel loved. They have encouraged and liberated Kirk in his ministry with the youth, have accepted challenges for growth, and have been steadfast in building him up in his work. We will miss these dear people!
After church on Sunday morning we went to my Grandma Breems' for Sunday dinner.
No one can cook Sunday dinner like grandma! What mystery there is in her ability to take simple ingredients and deftly create wonder! How is it that even her green beans taste better than mine? Or her roasted chicken, carefully cooked in the garage to prevent unpleasant odors and grease in her tidy kitchen? Though her tired back is now painfully rounded, her eyes sparkle when she comes to the door and her jaw sets in satisfaction when the boys take a second helping of orange jello with mandarin oranges.
She carefully set aside envelopes with the correct amount for each grandchild's birthday in the year ahead, for us to take along and give at the right time. And though we don't leave for a week, the tears came easily when it was time for us to leave. "I love all my grand kids but you've been so near." That's been one of the perks of living in this place, close to loved ones, close enough for my boys to know 3 Greats... good-byes with these godly matrons is hard.
Our church small group met for the last time in it's present form on Sunday night. Somehow this group has been the incubator for farewells with the Fishers and Pluimers, and now us, leaving. Joe and Wendy have stood like a lighthouse weathering storms of their own, and providing steadfast light and predictability for those who seek safe harbor in their friendship and home. Sometimes it's hard to be the ones who stay... Steve and Ang have trusted us enough to risk vulnerability and showering us with hospitality. This group has buoyed us through rough seas! They have prayed over us and our children and home, over our coming and going, over our hearts. Parting is sweet sorrow with these folks, knowing they will continue to be our intercessors before the Lord but missing face to face fellowship!
Monday we took our final trip to the farm in Edgerton to say farewell to Kirk's folks and Grandma.
The kids drove around the hills and ditches for hours with hair blowing back in the sweet, grassy air, holding playful kittens, and eating hearty grandma-made meals 3 times a day, like farm boys. They don't know it now, but their days of childhood on the farm are fleeting, so Mom watches with bittersweet joy knowing these moments are precious. There were some tears and homesickness at bedtime one night as the reality of leaving the familiar sets in. We assurred the boys that we are in this together and sadness for the losses is okay. There is joy ahead and taking time for the sorrow is good.
We parted with hugs, holding back tears, not knowing exactly when we'll be together again. But we know they pray for us each and every day and we will remain close in heart.
Kirk's Grandma is 100 years old and lives at Edgebrook nursing home. She was wakened from her afternoon nap to say good-bye, and though she repeats the conversations we've already covered, she still remembers names and God, and lavishes love and smiles on us. Each time we visit we know this goodbye might be the last on this earth, so we treasure her and days we have had.
And finally, last night we had a "back-yard-movie-night-party" for the boys, inviting neighborhood and schoolmates to stop in for a time of fun and farewell.
The air was cool and still, a blue moon rose in the east, a million pinpoints of light twinkled overhead, warm popcorn greased 30 little pairs of hands, and the sound of children's laughter drifted through the houses and trees of Prinsburg. It was completely idyllic and my heart was content. Tea and friendship at the kitchen table winded down, school boys wandered away without committing to good-byes, and a good night was done.Tomorrow morning we have a "Commissioning" service at Unity where our church family will bless us and send us off, we travel for a few more days of family goodbyes, a "son" comes for a personal goodbye, and a community farewell is planned for Wednesday evening. Then just a few hard personal good-byes with parents and close friends and we leave for new adventure, a union with our sweet girls, and whatever else God allows.
Despite all the difficult farewells that are turning the page on this chapter of life, I am at peace. That's not to say I don't have any anxiety or stress right now, but there is a calm space deep within, knowing with certainty, that I am held, connecting with God's great plan, and feeling safe in his care.
Thank you to all who continue to pray - we feel your covering of prayer, for all the kind words of encouragement - we feel lifted in spirit, and for all the gestures of friendship and fellowship -- we feel so blessed.
Added note: Our fundraising for the year is now at $46,000! Praise God - He is good!
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